14 January 2014

artist's block - break it!

    The recurring question “how do I break this artist's block”, we’ve all hit that wall where we just can’t find a way to get anything out, and if we do it’s just rubbish we can hardly bare to admit we created. There are many causes of artist’s block, and luckily many cures!

     Sometimes we're not inspired, this is probably the hardest to overcome because you can't always just make yourself get up and go get inspired. Another reason people hit this block is because they're just bored with what they're doing. Below are a few ways to break either of those causes, use one method, use four whatever you want and whatever it takes. You can get through it.

  • Take a break; seriously. This is my first suggestion give yourself a little bit to think, relax, rejuvenate and simply be blocked for a minute, hour or a day or two. Unless you’re in some rush to get it done take advantage of this step. Sometimes your brain just needs a minute to cool down before it powers back up and gets going again.
  • Prompts: prompts come in many forms from themes, words/phrases, examples, visual pieces, music etc. They are used to inspire you and make you think about how to represent or respond to the given prompt. [you can google [art type i.e. writing, photography, etc.] prompts or you can use your own.
  • Try something new: Think of something you haven’t done/tried before. Then go forth and find a tutorial and give it a try, you’ll create something from that tutorial AND maybe you’ll get inspired to use the method/style in a different way with something else.
  • Previous Ideas/Art:
    • in my opinion everybody should keep an inspiration journal [writing journal, thought journal, whatever you choose to call it]. We’ve all had those moments where we’re in class, at work, walking our dog, showering, whatever and we have a brilliant idea! Write it down, write it on your hand, write it in the steam on the mirror, write it on a scrap of paper just write it down. And when you get the chance add it to your journal [I do recommend keeping this on you, but it’s up to you. I also know people who keep their ideas in their phone notes because it’s easier to carry your phone then remember a journal] When you get a block, go back to this list and find stuff on there to start, work on or whatever.
    • another option is to go back to an old piece of work; think of the ways you improve it and do again, branch off [start a series, make it bigger or even get an entirely new idea!]
  • Start a project: Project 365, 52 week project, a monthly themed challenge [NaNoWriMo, 30 Days of Photos, 30 days, 30 sketches], even make one up! Make a goal/challenge to get yourself creating something, anything. It doesn’t have to be fantastic, it has to break that barrier between you and your inspiration. 
  • Believe in yourself: if you believe you're never going to create art again, you're probably not. If you keep thinking it's only going to suck, it probably will. Believe in  yourself and your art! Take compliments! Let your head grow! Improve, grow and strive. You'll get through this block, we all have 

   ☆ Take a break
   ☆ Give prompts a go [music, words/phrases, visual, etc.]
   ☆ Try new methods/styles/techniques/etc.
   ☆ Go back to old ideas/art and try them [again]
   ☆ Start a project [daily, weekly, month long, etc.]
   ☆ Believe in Yourself

*** This is an older article I had written on deviantART in 2010, while updating my old posts/journals/articles, I decided to share some of them here. Maybe you'll find them useful as well ♥ ***

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