I looked over to find her 'writing a story', however much a person her age can write. I'll admit it was a lot of scribbles, loops and lines between [and around] the lines of your standard writing paper.
I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm writing a story", which in it's own made my heart swell a little ❤ but what struck me was when I asked her what it was about she actually had a story line and description of what she was 'writing' so in a sense, despite the fact it may not have been actually written on paper, in her head she truly was writing a story.
Maybe it's just me, maybe it's because I'm her mama, maybe it's a lot of things combined; but all three of my children have picked up some type of art.
My oldest son: drawing & photography
My middle son: photography & cooking/culinary
My daughter: baking, writing & painting
I personally think it's important that children experiment with arts and learning to find their niche with it if they enjoy it. Both as an interest and an outlet. I've seen their improvement grow within it, I've seen their creativity unfold and their imagination spark.
And I find it amazing every time.
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