08 April 2014

I hate butterflies - Happy 3 am

       Alright, so I just posted a poll feature of butterflies and you know what I realized about butterflies? I hate them, I don't like them one bit. They're pretty but upclose they're just creepy and moth like. Now that sounds crazy right? No, absolutely not; I have a serious phobia of moths. [that was my rationalization, I'm sure you're still thinking "okkkayyy crazy lady... but what's your problem?"] No, that IS my problem. I don't have the "eww that's creepy" phobia of moths, I have the OMFG I'M GOING TO DIE! phobia of moths because the next three words are I CAN'T BREATHE! know why? because I'm absolutely terrified and panic sets in and I have this sort of mini-break down where everything itches and I feel like my body is being swarmed by moths and OMFG I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS!

       Okay; we're going to stop talking about that now because it's 3 am, there's about a trillion goosebumps on my skin right now and I am freaked the hell out... anyways, wanna know why I really hate butterflies? Butterflies haven't really bothered me... actually that's a lie; one time I was at the butterfly house and there was this really pretty [HOLY HELL! Did I just pull my feet up off the ground while sitting on the couch out of fear like there's some monster under there going to grab my ankles and eat me? Yes, yes I did... no joke]... anyways - this really pretty gorgeous blue butterfly sitting on some beautiful flowers and I was like oh, I'm gonna snap a picture of that little lady [because this is the butterfly house, not house of 1,000 moths right?] so anyways picture taken, la la la... well it landed on my arm [let's note that when you're there they actually TELL you not to touch the butterflies because well they're probably expensive and foreign and the 43 signs aren't warning enough] anyways; it landed on my arm and then it closed it's beastly horrid wings into MOTH WINGS!!!!! I couldn't even handle myself, it was ON MY ARM and it was so close to my face I started hyperventilating and crying right there. Swinging my arm about like a psychotic woman trying to get it off me ['cause you know, they told me not to touch them and I'm respectful]... so anyways... pretty blue butterfly I later turned out is ACTUALLY A GIANT MOTHER F-ING MOTH! from Brazil or something!

       Okay; that's not why I hate butterflies, I'm sorry we'll get to this... anyhow so you know the "more like this" feature on deviation pages... well, let's just say those weren't all butterflies! they were winged mothy little hell butterflies. And now that I think more about it; I'm not fond of butterflies either. I think they're pretty, but I don't like them... okay that's a lie, I love butterflies... but they can't have that ominous mothy look about them. They're evil.

       Back to my butterfly house story; wanna know what happened once I got a nice double dose of ativan and practically died tried to walk back to the ferry where I passed out and woke up in my warm cozy bed? [yeah... ativan and I... I'm 90 percent certain the main reason it works well for me is 'cause I pass the fuck out and whatever is bothering me is no longer important] but anywho... there was a freaking MOTH IN MY PURSE!!!!! I accidentally stole a foreign moth! So of course I kindly panicked again, and had the moth escorted back to where it belonged [away from me.]

Happy 3 am.

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